Importing Content into a Lesson
After setting up a lesson, content can be imported from multiple sources. Supported file types include Microsoft Office documents, Google Docs, PDFs, multimedia including images, videos, and audio, and other interactive whiteboard software including Smart Notebook, Promethean ActivInspire, MimioStudio, and Common File Format (CCF / IWB) files.
To begin the process, from the Menu, select “Import / Insert”.

Uploading to MyClass
You can import files directly from your computer into MyClass. Click the “Upload Files” button, or drag and drop your file from your computer’s folder into the MyClass application.
MyClass also integrates with Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. From the menu on the left, choose either Google Drive or OneDrive to connect with, and then log in. After logging in, you will then be able to browse for and choose the file to import.

Importing Specific Slides / Pages
Some file types allow specific slides or pages to be chosen for inclusion in the lesson, such as Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and PDFs. After uploading one of these file types, thumbnails of each page or slide will appear, and the “+” icon can be selected or deselected as needed. After choosing specific pages, click “Add” and the chosen pages will be inserted into the lesson.
If all slides or pages are required, then choose the option for “Add all pages”.

PhET Interactive Simulations
MyClass gives you integrated access to science and math simulations for teaching STEM topics, including physics, chemistry, biology, and math, from University of Colorado Boulder.
Search via subject, topic, and educational level and instantly make your MyClass lessons even more fun and engaging.

YouTube Integration
To add a YouTube video to the lesson, press the YouTube tab, and then search for a video.
The results returned can be previewed. Once a video has been chosen, press the “+” icon to add it to the lesson.
During the lesson, the video will appear full-screen and be ready for playback.